Joint Letter in support of Community Solar Bill HB 1842

Dear members of the Pennsylvania State Senate,

We, the undersigned organizations representing a wide range of communities across the Commonwealth, are writing to express our support for House Bill 1842 and for the economic, social, and environmental benefits that community solar represents. 

Especially now, by capitalizing on federal incentives that would otherwise sit untapped or go to other states, community solar can energize our state with good jobs and affordable energy. 

This legislation can unlock the benefits of a clean energy economy for the many Pennsylvanians who currently risk being left behind, by allowing everyone to choose local, reliable, and lower-cost clean energy solutions regardless of income level or housing situation constraints. It also promises to help communities across the state that have been harmed by rising costs of living and local job loss, and to support farmers in protecting their land while generating much-needed additional income. 

Enabling community solar projects will create thousands of jobs in Pennsylvania, including many in the building trades; promote economic development in all areas of the state, and provide valuable tax revenues to local governments and school districts.

While 22 other states and the District of Columbia have authorized community solar and begun reaping its benefits, Pennsylvania has yet to act. 

This legislation contains a number of notable strengths including strong labor protections, maximized benefits for low-wealth communities, robust consumer protections, and the avoidance of competition for funding with other crucial programs. While we see areas for improvement in the bill, especially the lack of guaranteed savings for program participants, we believe it to be a well-considered and practical step in the right direction. 

We are grateful for your partnership in protecting Pennsylvania communities through lowered utility bills, good jobs, and clean air, and we urge you to join us in prioritizing this important legislation for expedient passage. 



(in alphabetical order)

412 Justice
Advanced Energy United
Audubon Mid-Atlantic
Bold Action Works (Lancaster)
CASA/ CASA in Action
Center for Coalfield Justice
Chester Friends Meeting
Chestnut Hill United Church
Citizens’ Climate Lobby – State College, PA
Clean Air Council
Climate Action PA
Conservation Voters of PA
Eastern PA Coalition for Abandoned Mine Reclamation (EPCAMR)
Green Building Alliance
Group Against Smog & Pollution
Holobiont Laboratory
Jewish Earth Alliance PA
Lawrenceville United
Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in Pa.
March on Harrisburg
Marcellus Outreach Butler
Moms Clean Air Force, PA Chapter
Move Past Plastic (MPP)
Northeast Ecology
PA Action on Climate
PA Solar & Storage Industries Assoc. (PASSIA)
Pennsylvania Bipartisan Climate Initiative
Pennsylvania Chapters of Citizens’ Climate Lobby
Pennsylvania Interfaith Power & Light
Pennsylvania Solar Center
Physicians for Social Responsibility Pennsylvania
Pittsburgh Green New Deal
Pittsburgh Labor Choir
Pittsburgh United
Pittsburghers for Public Transit
POWER Interfaith
Putting Down Roots
Radiant Power Partners, LLC
ReImagine Appalachia
SEEDS of Northeast PA
Sierra Club Moshannon Group
Sierra Club, Pennsylvania
Solar United Neighbors
Solarize Delco
Sustainable Business Network of Greater Philadelphia
Sustainable Pittsburgh
The Clean Energy Co-Op
The Nature Conservancy, Pennsylvania
The Pittsburgh Foundation
Third Act PA
Thomas Merton Center
Three Rivers Waterkeeper
Unitarian Universalist Justice PA
Vote Solar Action Fund

Paid for by Vote Solar Action Fund, a Project of Tides Advocacy

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