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The Solution Is Community Solar
Community Solar enables multiple customers to share the benefits of a single solar energy project. Whether it’s installed on a roof or just around the corner, participating in a community solar project allows you to get credits on your electric utility bill for your portion of the power produced.
Legislation authorizing community solar is coming to PA!
Community solar increases equitable access to clean energy, allowing all Pennsylvanians to benefit from solar power whether they rent, own a home, or have a roof that can support solar panels.
In 2024, House Bill 1842 almost became law; in 2025 we will deepen the bill’s already strong commitment to equity and consumer protections, and fight to get it over the finish line. Here’s how it lines up with priorities that Pennsylvanians have identified for a people-focused community solar program.
Community-Owned Community Solar: Opportunities and Challenges
This report from the Environmental Law and Policy Center (elpc.org) examines existing community-owned community solar projects to identify key concepts and lessons for a more equitable, decentralized, clean energy transition.
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